FreePay (USD)Description
Locations1$11.95/mo EachA dedicated QR code and address that can be used for email and texting specific at a location
Feedback Points-$2.95/mo EachA dedicated QR code with optional custom feedback categories and address that can be used for email and texting connected to a specific area within a location
Agents1$1.95/mo EachAdditional users that can automatically receive feedback have it assigned to them
  • One location with one user account to receive the feedback is free as our base level of service.
  • Free unlimited service for 30 days with no credit card required.
  • The base level of service gives one QR Code, a feedback web form, an email address, custom categories, reporting, and a user account to receive feedback all for free.
  • An additional custom feedback point can be added to a location with separate reporting, QR code, web form, and keyword filtering for $2.95/mo.
  • Additional users are $1.95/mo.
  • An additional QR Code, web form, and primary email address usually associated with an additional location is priced at $11.95/mo.

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Email OR
Text Message:
Text message OR Voicemail
(352) 234-3218